(205) 322-1201 info@gathingslaw.com

The Tip of the Week this week featuring Gathings Law’s Senior Partner, Lloyd Gathings, is to be mindful of what you say after a wreck. Living in the South, we were all raised to say “Please”, “Thank you”, and “I’m sorry”. However, if you are involved in a wreck with another person and you apologize to them, even though you’re not at fault, it can be used against you in court as an admission of fault. If ever there was a time to drop your southern manners, it would be after a car wreck. However, even if you don’t plan on apologizing to the other person be mindful of what you say because whatever you say, whether you are apologetic or angry, can be brought up in court during a trial.

Starting this week, Gathings Law will be posting different legal tips every week on social media. If you have any questions that you want answered, tell us what you’d like to hear about next. Go to our Facebook page, @GathingsLaw, to cast your vote for next week’s topic. To make sure that you don’t miss any Tips of the Week, follow Gathings Law on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn @GathingsLaw.