This week on #GathingsLawTalk, Gathings Law Attorney and Partner, Will Lattimore, explains why it’s important that you don’t say “I’m okay” immediately after being hit by another person in a car accident.
Injuries resulting from car wrecks can be very serious. Sometimes, you can tell right away that you’ve been injured. However, there are instances when the severity of your injuries are unknown.
In a scary or stressful situation, like a car wreck for example, your body will naturally release adrenaline into your bloodstream. This will trigger your brain to have what’s called a “fight or flight” response. This biological response to extreme fear and/or panic decreases any pain you may be feeling. So you may not realize you have been injured until after some time has passed and you’ve been able to calm down.
So when you’re at the scene of a wreck, and someone asks you if you’re okay, you should not automatically say “yes.” Even if you don’t feel any pain, it’s better to say something along the lines of “I’m not sure,” or “I don’t know.” And after a serious wreck, it’s always best to seek medical attention. Even if you’re not immediately feeling any pain, you could unknowingly have serious injuries such as internal bleeding or a serious concussion.
Injuries are a serious matter; in an instant your whole life can change and leave you feeling lost. Here at Gathings Law, we know that serious injuries can affect your life in ways you never thought possible. As your lawyers, we will be there every step of the way fighting for you and the justice that you deserve. So if you or a loved one is injured in a car wreck, call us. We’ve got decades of experience handling personal injury cases and we’re ready to put our knowledge and expertise to work for you.
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