Divorces can be very complicated and stressful; but they don’t have to be.
The goal at Gathings Law is to help our clients reach a peaceful resolution with their spouses before we roll up our sleeves and play hard ball.
Mediation is one method of reaching a settlement agreement with going to trial. It is not the same as the collaborative process which will be discussed in another blog.
Mediation is when a neutral third-party, a mediator, is hired to assist you and your spouse in reaching a settlement agreement. The mediator, normally an attorney or retired judge, is not working for either side; they are a neutral party. The mediator doesn’t make the decisions for you but helps to guide spouses toward a solution that is in the best interests of both parties. Mediation allows spouses to reach a mutually beneficial agreement on their own terms, avoid going to court, and is normally less expensive than going to trial.
During mediation, you will have your attorney presnt to help you through the process. Your attorney will be working on your behalf to explain what is happening during the negotiations and the impact of the agreement in your future.
When beginning the divorce process, it’s important to know all the avenues available to resolve your divorce. If you have questions about mediation or need to talk to a divorce attorney, call Gathings Law. We’re here to help.
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