This week on #GathingsLawTalk, Gathings Law Attorney, Will Lattimore, is discussing what qualifies as evidence in personal injury cases and how to properly preserve eyewitness testimony.
As technology continues to progress and evolve, evidence too continues to change.
When you’re seriously injured and attempting to gather evidence for your case, what you may not think about is the digital evidence. This could include the content of your social media, texts and pictures on your phone, computer records, emails, etc. You might not even realize that it’s important; however, a good personal injury lawyer will. So after an injury, discuss with your lawyer about what could potentially be considered evidence before you delete anything.
Additionally, because you may not think about digital evidence, you need to be careful as to what you post on social media after being injured. The other side is going to search anything they can potentially use against you. What you post can and will be discovered by the other side and used against you in court. You should not post anything about your injuries and you should consult your attorney about what is and is not appropriate for you to post on social media.
At Gathings Law, we have decades of experience handling personal injury cases. We have worked hard to stay on the cutting edge of technology as it has evolved and reshaped the definition of evidence. Our main goal is to help you and obtain all the information important to your case. So if you or a loved one has been seriously injured, call us. Let’s talk about what we can do for you.
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