Something that we’ve mentioned before in our #TipOfTheWeek videos is that you need to be careful about what you say and do on social media. Social media is still a very new concept and many people still do not understand the repercussions social media can have. For example, a lot of employers nowadays will look up potential job candidates on social media to help in their decision making progress. If employers feel that the candidate is not a good representative for their company due to inappropriate content on their social media, it could cost interviewees a potential job.
Looking at it from a legal standpoint, content posted on social media could also affect the outcome of a trial. What you post on social media can be used against you in a court of law and even if your account is set to private or if you delete certain posts, there are still records that the social media company holds that can potentially be subpoenaed and used as evidence. Or someone who follows you on social media can save your post and bring it up against you.
As personal injury lawyers, we always tell our clients not to talk about their injuries or the events leading up to their injuries on social media. The other side of the lawsuit will be looking for anyway to negate your injuries and it’s best to simply not talk about them at all. In fact, we highly suggest staying off social media until the trial has concluded or at least until we’ve sat down and thoroughly talked about what is and is not appropriate to post on social media during an ongoing case.