When reading about domestic relations cases, you may come across a few acronyms that may be unfamiliar to you. Gathings Law Attorney, Kim Vice, talked about this in this week’s #TipOfTheWeek video. The 3 acronyms she mentioned were TRO, PFA, and GAL.
TROs and PFAs are typically used when a spouse or partner is a threat. A TRO is a temporary restraining order and a PFA is a protection from abuse order. PFA is also sometimes used to describe the petition for a PFA order. GALs are used when children are involved. GAL stands for guardian ad litem. A guardian ad litem is generally an attorney, appointed by court, to represent a child in a case. It is their job to step into the child’s shoes and look out for their best interest.
If you need a divorce attorney, or especially if you feel as if you need a TRO or PFA, call us at Gathings Law. Our divorce attorneys are here to help you and the initial consultation is free.
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