Summer is the perfect time to go swimming at the pool or take a trip to lake. Besides the typical safety precautions for swimming, such as flotation devices for small children and waiting 30 minutes after eating to go swimming, there is something else you should be weary of-electric shock drowning. Unfortunately this is a very real danger in bodies of water where there is electricity near or in the water. Electric shock drowning occurs when electricity, possibly from defective pool lights or loose wires on docks and boats, is released into the water. The electric current paralyses any swimmers in the area making them incapable of swimming, which can result in drowning.
We here at Gathings Law want to make sure that you and your loved ones stay safe this summer. In order to help prevent you, your friends, or your family from possibly drowning due to electric shock please make sure that the electricity around or in your pool, dock, or boat is secured. Make sure that there are no loose wires on any sources of electricity in or near the water. If someone is suddenly paralyzed in the water due to electric current, turn of the power to the electricity sources immediately. Do not go in the water to assist anyone until the power has been shut off.
If you or a loved one is harmed this summer, please know that our lawyers at Gathings Law are here to help.