(205) 322-1201 info@gathingslaw.com
#GathingsLawTalk Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce

#GathingsLawTalk Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce

When considering a divorce, one of the first issues that will be decided is whether your divorce will be contested or uncontested. A contested divorce is when the spouses do not agree. For instance, one spouse wants a divorce and the other spouse doesn’t agree that...
#GathingsLawTalk Prenups, Fact or Myth?

#GathingsLawTalk Prenups, Fact or Myth?

A wedding is a beautiful and special occasion; it’s one of life’s big milestones. However, before entering into a marriage, you may want to consider a prenuptial agreement. Prenups are more often than not seen in a negative light and maybe considered an easy out for...
#GathingsLawTalk What You Need To Know About Child Support

#GathingsLawTalk What You Need To Know About Child Support

When considering divorce, it’s important to understand exactly what all your legal obligations may entail. If there are minor children from the marriage, child support will be addressed.   Child support is a monthly payment that the non-custodial parent pays to...