When you are taking legal action, you may not know what to expect going into the process. Sometimes the legal process can be confusing and the legal jargon can be difficult to understand. That’s where your lawyer should help. Your lawyer should simplify everything for you so that your comfortable and confident with what is going on. This week’s #TipOfTheWeek specifically talks about depositions. Depositions are common in lawsuits and they can be stressful if your lawyer does not make sure you are ready. In this week’s #TipOfTheWeek video Gathings Law attorney, Will Lattimore, talks about what exactly a deposition is and how your lawyer should properly prepare you for it.
Like Will says in the video, “That lawyer who’s taking the deposition is not your friend.” Here at Gathings Law, we prepare our clients for their depositions thoroughly. We sit down with our clients ahead of time and review what is going to happen and what type of questions will be asked so that we can prepare for anything that may come up ahead of time. We are also there with our client during the actual deposition. Our goal is to not only fight for our clients best interests, but to also make them comfortable and confident throughout the entire process.
If you or a loved one is need of a lawyer, give Gathings Law a call. We will stand by you.
As a reminder, Gathings Law will be posting different legal tips every week on social media. If you have any questions that you want answered, tell us what you’d like to hear about next; we’d love to hear from you. Go to our Facebook page, @GathingsLaw, to cast your vote for next week’s topic. To make sure that you don’t miss any Tips of the Week, follow Gathings Law on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube @GathingsLaw.