This week on #GathingsBizTalk Gathings Law Attorney, Will Lattimore, is talking about boutique law firms, small businesses, and startup companies.
When you hear the word “boutique”, a law firm is most likely not the first thing that comes to mind. However, in the legal profession, that word has taken on its own meaning. A boutique law firm is a small law firm that has highly specialized lawyers who perform specialized legal services.
Gathings Law is proud to be a boutique law firm. We truly care about our clients and we have made it our mission to help others. We understand the passion and drive that goes into starting a business. We’re well versed in the legal needs of small businesses and startups. Not only because of our decades of business litigation experience, but because we’ve been there. Gathings Law Senior Partner, Lloyd Gathings, started his own small business a few years ago so we have firsthand experience. And since we’re a smaller law firm, we can provide our legal services more efficiently and at a much lower hourly rate than larger law firms. And that’s important to us.
If you own or manage a small business, please keep us in mind for your legal needs. We have decades of experience and are ready to put our expertise to work for you. So give us a call and let’s talk about what we can do for you.
As a reminder, on our #GathingsBizTalk weekly series, Gathings Law discusses different legal points of interest in business every week on our social media. Follow us on social media and tell us what you’d like to hear about next; we’d love to hear from you. Click here to follow #GathingsBizTalk on LinkedIn. To follow our other weekly series, #GathingsLawTalk, which discusses personal injury and domestic relations, follow @GathingsLaw on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.